
Design abilities help students develop creative confidence, navigate ambiguity, take risks and build resiliency.

Design Abilities



Building an Instant Community

One of the most powerful but often overlooked aspects of hosting a workshop is the instant…

Can You Hear the Creativity?

There’s a very distinctive sound that echoes through a place where people, big or small, are…

    Design abilities are a set of mindsets and behaviors that emphasize what students are learning and recognize the habits they are developing.

    Many K-12 educators are looking “beyond the hexagons” to discover a new and deeper understanding of design. This journey leads them to discovering design abilities.  Design abilities are a set of mindsets and behaviors that emphasize what students are learning and recognize the habits they are developing. The eight design abilities are: Navigate Ambiguity, Learn from Others (People & Context), Synthesize Information, Rapidly Experiment, Move Between Concrete and Abstract, Build and Craft Intentionally, Communicate Deliberately, and Design Your Design Work. We offer custom workshops for K-12 educators that help them experience design abilities and apply them to their work in the classrooms. 

    Learn more about our offerings for educators and families.

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