
Design thinking is more than a process. It’s about cultivating design abilities.




Can You Hear the Creativity?

There’s a very distinctive sound that echoes through a place where people, big or small, are…

Fueling Creativity in Education

In this episode of the Fueling Creativity in Education Podcast, hosts Drs. Matthew Worwood and Cyndi…

    Lime Design Articles

    Literacy in the Making: Where Heads, Hearts & Hands Meet


    The Empty Syllabus: Where Everyone Gets an A+


    Serendipity Design-Lab


    Hacking Your Innovation Mindset


    Stanford Graduate School of Education: Stem Program Builds Ties Between Stanford and East Palo Alto Middle School


    Stanford University 2020 Yearbook: Learning From Our Students


    Looking beyond the hexagons: What does it mean to be an education designer?


    Connecting Design Abilities to Classroom Curriculum


    Applying Design Abilities to Classroom Curriculum


    Reweaving Corporate DNA: Building a Culture of Design Thinking at Citrix

    Build 21
    st Century Skills with Design Thinking: An interview with Dr. Maureen Carroll

    5 ½ Questions With Maureen Carroll from

    Learning from What Doesn’t Work: The Power of Embracing a Prototyping Mindset

    Design Thinking in the Classroom: Learning Through a Design Challenge

    Silicon Valley Innovation Center Organized Another Comprehensive Executive Training Design

    Imagination Inspiration

    Research Articles

    Carroll, M. & L. McBain (in press). Where Empathy Meets Learning: Exploring Design Abilities in K-12 Classrooms, Voices From the Middle.


    Carroll, M. & L. McBain (in press). “Headlong Dives or Safe Shores: Navigating Ambiguity in Design-Driven Classrooms” Voices From the Middle.


    Carroll, M. (2015). Stretch, Dream, and Do – A 21st Century Design Thinking & STEM Journey. Journal of Research in STEM Education, 1(1), 3-16 ISSN:2149-8504

    Carroll, Maureen P. (2014) “Shoot For The Moon! The Mentors and the Middle Schoolers Explore the Intersection of Design Thinking and STEM,”
    Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER): Vol. 4: Iss. 1, Article 3.

    Carroll, M. Britos, L, & S. Goldman. (2012).
    Design Thinking. Open University: London: Berg Publications

    Gerber, E. & Carroll, M. (2012). The Psychological Experience of Prototyping,
    Design Studies, 33, 1, 64-84.

    Carroll, M., Goldman, S., Britos, L., Koh, J., Royalty, A. & M. Hornstein (2010)
     Destination, Imagination, and the Fires Within: Design Thinking in a Middle School Classroom. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 29, 1, 37-53.

    E-book: DesignED: Integrating Design Thinking in Your K-12 Classroom

    Maureen Carroll Stanford Bio

    Maureen Carroll REDlab Bio




    Zoom Zoom Room Podcast Series


    Keynotes/Conference Presentations:


    reEngage Deeper Learning


    The San Mateo County Third Annual Arts Institute 2021


    “Applying Design in Education – Literacy in Making: Where Heads, Hearts & Hands Meet” webinar, 2021. National Design Centre (NDC)’s “Design Learning” programme presented by the DesignSingapore Council in partnership with the Lifelong Learning Institute.


    Innovating for the Common Core November 2014. University of California at Davis School of Education

    Montalvo Arts in Your Classroom March 2015

    Poughkeepsie Day School STEM to STEAM Conference 2014. A Taste of Design Thinking.

    Make Believe REAL: Designing a Preschool for the Future Paper presented at the IDC 8th International Conference on Interaction Design & Children Como, Italy June 5, 2009



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