What does it mean to be a global citizen in today’s world? Social Studies in the Making focuses on building critical literacy skills using texts that focus on current and historical events and issues. Children will engage in deeper conversations about social-emotional aspects of this content area, and will express their understanding via making. The program supports the Global Competence Framework presented by the California Global Education Project.
The California Global Education Project (CGEP) has adopted the four domains, or capacities, for global competence presented by CCSSO & Asia Society (2011) to foster awareness and curiosity about how the world works, which is informed by disciplinary and interdisciplinary insights. CGEP agrees that globally competent students are able to:
- Investigate the world beyond their immediate environment, framing significant problems and conducting well-crafted and age-appropriate research.
- Recognize perspectives, others’ and their own, articulating and explaining such perspectives thoughtfully and respectfully.
- Communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences, bridging geographic, linguistic, ideological, and cultural barriers.
- Take action to improve conditions, viewing themselves as players in the world and participating reflectively.
CGEP identifies the following specific indicators, or competencies, within these four domains for educators, students, parents/guardians, and community partners to use for themselves and for instructional purposes in developing global competence.
- Pose questions to better understand issues and perspectives
- Identify and suspend assumptions and judgements
- Recognize the value of each person in a global community
- Explore the world with curiosity
- Keep an open mind
- Empathize with others
- Identify my personal perspectives and influences
- Examine the perspectives and influences of others
- Consider multiple perspectives and opinions
- Analyze cultural influences, connections, and contexts
- Share ideas and context with diverse audiences
- Actively listen to others
- Engage in civil discourse
- Consider the audience and communicate appropriately
- Use evidence and values to guide plans
- Assess options and consider the potential impact of planned actions
- Apply creative thinking and solve problems
- Capitalize on available resources and partnerships
- Persist through challenges
- Act and reflect individually and collaboratively
- Act with respect for individual dignity, differences, and human rights
- Contribute to a better world