
Building an Instant Community
Feb 26, 2025 - by Maureen Carroll

One of the most powerful but often overlooked aspects of hosting a workshop is the instant community that is built. As designers and facilitators, it is essential to create the conditions that allow that community to come to fruition. Last month, in our workshop Make Waves: Exploring the Challenges of Women in Tech, we wanted […]

Can You Hear the Creativity?
Jun 18, 2024 - by Maureen Carroll

There’s a very distinctive sound that echoes through a place where people, big or small, are engaged in purposeful work. It has a rhythm and a joy you can feel in the air. It’s intangible, but it’s very real. I believe that is the sound of creativity – the heartbeat of a culture of innovation. […]

5 Ways Design Thinking Can Be a Culture Changer
Jun 27, 2017 - by Maureen Carroll

Sometimes the signs are subtle, like a meeting room stocked with stacks of neon-colored Post-it notes and black Sharpies. Other times they are grand, like a prominent spot on the agenda of a product design conference. Design thinking makes its way into an organizational culture in many different ways. In my experience, organizations that learn […]

Micro-crafting Innovative Learning Experiences: The Art & Skill of Facilitating Design Thinking Workshops
Oct 30, 2016 - by Maureen Carroll

Imagine the best party you have even been to and the hardest class you have ever taken. That’s what a design thinking workshop can and should feel like. We’ve created and facilitated hundreds of workshops and learned a lot about how to achieve that sweet and ever-shifting balance between rigor and joy. We want people […]

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