
Micro-crafting Innovative Learning Experiences: The Art & Skill of Facilitating Design Thinking Workshops
Oct 30, 2016 - by Maureen Carroll

Imagine the best party you have even been to and the hardest class you have ever taken. That’s what a design thinking workshop can and should feel like. We’ve created and facilitated hundreds of workshops and learned a lot about how to achieve that sweet and ever-shifting balance between rigor and joy. We want people […]

5 Things Innovators Can Learn from Artists- The Real Experts in Creativity
May 31, 2016 - by Maureen Carroll

My son Pat is a young jazz musician living and working in New York City. He’s figuring out how to do what he loves as he confronts the very real economic challenges of making a living as an artist. The corporate world is hungry for innovation and looks to experts in business schools, think tanks […]

Empathy: The Softer Side of Design Thinking
Mar 30, 2016 - by Maureen Carroll

The world is filled with the crisp hard edges of numbers, statistics and dashboards. And while we learn a lot from them, I believe that design thinking offers a different way of gathering information- a softer side- that allows us to engage with users in deeper, more nuanced ways. Empathy is central to this notion. […]

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